How to Fix Wifi connected but no internet Android [Steps]

What is ‘Wifi connected but no internet’ issue on Android?

In this post, we are going to discuss on How to fix Wifi connected but no internet Android. You will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Wifi connected but no internet’ Issue: It is common Android Phone Problem considered as WiFi Connection problem. This issue indicates that you are able to connect to WiFi on your Android but unable to access internet. In sort, you are facing internet access problem in your Android device even when your device is properly connected to WiFi network. This error is appeared with message saying ‘Connected, but no Internet Access’.

Sometimes, this type of issue is occurred due to some temporary issue with your network device like router/modem, and with your Android device. You can fix the temporary issue just by restarting your network device like router/modem, and Android phone both. After restart both, please check if you can access internet using WiFi without any issue. If not, you can try our instructions to fix the issue. You are provided with easy steps to resolve this problem.

One possible reason behind the issue can be the actual internet problem with WiFi you are trying to use for internet connection. You should make sure the WiFi network you are trying to use is active for internet connection means check if you are actually connected to internet or not. There is chance your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is down, or someone has accidently cut the broadband cable coming to your location. If you investigate there is some issue with ISP server end, then you can contact your ISP and report the network problem. Hope your problem will be resolved.

Another possible reason behind the issue can be your WiFi router that is blocking network traffic or blocking your Android device from connecting to internet. In such case, you can fix the issue by unlocking yourself on WiFI’s router admin page, and check if it works for you. Also, you can perform network settings reset in your phone in order to fix bad network settings issue and resolve this problem as well. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Wifi connected but no internet Android?

Method 1: Check your internet connection

This issue can be occurred if internet service is down by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If ISP is down or someone has accidently cut the broadband cable coming to your house, or you have simply exhausted your monthly data plan, then you can’t access to the internet anymore. You should make sure you have proper data pack plan for internet access otherwise, you can’t access the internet anymore.

In other scenario, you can check if the issue is some website’s specific or not, means you can check if you are not able to access either particular website with WiFi network or all sites/platforms. Also, you should make sure this issue is not device’s specific, means you need to check if other device is able to access the same WiFi network or not. If other device is able to access internet with same WiFi except your Android device, then it indicates something wrong with your Android device and you need to fix your Android device issue.

Method 2: Check if mobile data is turned OFF

This issue can be occurred if mobile data in your Android phone is turned ON. You can try access WiFI network after disabling mobile data in your device. However, some networks require you to login before you can access the internet. Even after logging in, your phone might not see it as an active connection and still use mobile data.

Method 3: Check for captive portals

Some WiFI networks have a special kind of WiFI network called ‘Captive Portals’. When you connect to this type of WiFI, even after entering correct WiFI password, you have to complete some extra step including anything from sign-in with your email, phone number, watch ads, or agree to networks terms of usage. To find out if you are connecting to ‘Captive Portals’ WiFi, you will notice your device will show notification asking you to sign-in, and if you don’t get sign-in notification, you can disconnect and reconnect to network. Complete the required tasks or contact the network administrator for login credentials.

Method 4: Check System date & time settings

This issue can be occurred if system date & time is not configured correctly in your device. Generally, Android devices are configured to obtain date & time information automatically from your network operator. However, if you set these settings to manual, then clock may not be updated due to a restart. So, you can set date & time settings to Automatic in Android settings in order to fix the issue. To do so, open ‘Clock’ App in your phone and tap ‘Three-vertical dots’ at top-right corner and tap ‘Settings’ menu, tap ‘Change date & time’ and turn ON ‘Automatic date & time’ and ‘Automatic time zone’ option, and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 5: Forget and reconnect to WiFI network

Some users reported forgetting the problematic network and then reconnecting might resolve the issue. When you reconnect the WiFI network, you might be provided with a new local IP address which might actually fix the issue. To do so, open ‘Settings’ App and go to ‘WiFi’, select WiFI network and select ‘Forget’. Now, tap ‘WiFi’ network again, enter the password and tap ‘Connect’, and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 6: Check if your Android device is blocked by WiFI router

This issue can be occurred if your Android device is blocked by your WiFI router. It might possible WiFi’s router administrator has blocked your Android device from accessing internet for some reasons. In such case, you can contact Wifi router’s admin and ask them to unlock your device. If it is your WiFI router and you have blocked your device accidently, then you need to visit your WiFI router’s admin page and unblock yourself, and check if it works for you. To do so, you need to visit your WiFi router’s login page in your browser, enter your WiFi’s router login credential details and then unblock your device from there.

Method 7: Change your DNS

One possible way to fix the issue is to change DNS server settings in your device and check if it works for you. To do so, go to ‘Settings’ and go to ‘WiFi’, login press on WiFI network which DNS you would like to change, then select ‘Modify Network’, select ‘Static’ under ‘IP options’ and next enter ‘’ and ‘’ under ‘DNS1’ and ‘DNS2’ address field and save the changes. Once done, check if the issue is resolved.

Method 8: Change Wireless Mode on router

There are several wireless modes on router. For example, you might have seen something like 802.11 b or 802.11 b/g or 802.11 b/g/n, etc. These b, g, n, and ac are different wireless standards. B is oldest WiFi standard which covers less area and gives less speed while ac is latest with wider coverage and better network speed.

To fix the issue, from your computer, login into your router dashboard and look for the options says ‘Wireless Mode’. Under ‘Wireless settings’, you will see a dropdown and click on that and select ‘802.11b’ and save the changes. Once done, restart your WiFI on device and check if the issue is resolved. If not, you can try change wireless mode settings to ‘802.11g’

Method 9: Restart or reset your router

If the issue is still persist, then you can perform router reset or restart operation in order to fix. Restarting router will fix any network consistency issue and other network issues while resetting router will reset all settings of router to factory settings. Once done, please check if the issue is resolved.

Method 10: Perform Network Settings Reset Android

This issue can also be occurred due to wrong network settings in your Android device. You can perform router’s settings reset in order to fix the issue. To do so, open ‘Settings’ app and go to ‘Reset Options’, select ‘Reset Wifi, mobile & Bluetooth’ option, and tap ‘reset settings’ at the bottom

Method 11: Perform Android factory reset

If the issue is still persist, you can perform factory reset settings on Android to erase everything on Android to default.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Android

Step 2: Go to ‘Reset Options > Factory Data Reset’ and confirm it. Once finished, restart your phone and check if the issue is resolved.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Wifi connected but no internet Android with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.