How to fix Amazon app cs11 error Android/ iOS?

Many people have reported about Amazon app cs11 error on various Amazon Apps such as Amazon Prime, Amazon Shoppers and etc. The error message is most likely to occur on iOS devices, but there is also a report where Android platform users encountering the same issue.

The amazon app cs11 error iOS/ Android arises when users launch Amazon app or try to perform certain activities such as accessing cart and account sections on Amazon Shopping app. There could be an Amazon server outage issue, although these factors could be causing the issue under discussion:

Outdated Amazon app: it is possible that the Amazon app is not updated to its latest build due to which Amazon server could not authorize the app’s access that results in CS11 error,

Corrupt Installation of the Amazon app: Another reason is that the installation of the Amazon app might get corrupted that result in the said error as certain app’s modules may not be accessible or executable,

Restrictions from Network Firewall: it is also possible that your network firewall is not letting the Amazon app to access its server and this causes the Amazon app CS11 error for you. Check below for the best possible fixes:

Possible fixes for Amazon app cs11 error iOS/Android

Fix 1: Update Amazon app to the latest build

The Amazon app CS11 error could be because your Amazon app is outdated due to which it becomes incompatible with the Amazon servers. Here, you need to update the Amazon app to the latest built to resolve the CS11 issue. But before doing that, make sure Amazon app is supposed by the Amazon server as in Amazon restricts the usage of some Amazon apps on older phones or devices:

  • Open Apple App Store (or Play Store on Android),
  • Search for Amazon app,
  • Go to its Details page and make sure that it is updated to the latest build,
  • You can check for the app update in the updates tab under App Store.

Fix 2: Reinstall Amazon App

If Amazon app cs11 error android/ ios error continues, you should check the possibility if Amazon app installation file is corrupted. Reinstall the app in the case to resolve the problem:

  • Go to the Apple App Store/ Play Store on Android,
  • Search for the problematic app,
  • Go to the app’s Details page,
  • Click on Uninstall or disable it if pre-installed,
  • Restart your device next to this,
  • Upon restart, reinstall the Amazon app on from the App Store/ Play,
  • Launch it and see if the Amazon CS11 error continues.

Fix 3: Disable Network Firewall or Add Amazon Exceptions to the Firewall

You may encounter amazon app cs11 error android/ ios because the network’s firewall is restricting the app’s access to its servers. The possible fix in this case is to disable the network firewall or add an exception to the Amazon domains to the network firewall. The required steps depend on the network firewall and the device’s OS you are using.


That’s all! We are now rounding off our discussion on how to fix amazon app cs11 error android/ iOS. Hopefully, the provided fixes are helpful for you in getting rid of the problem. Comment down below in case of any queries, questions and suggestions regarding the article.