How to fix Windows update error code 0xe06d7363 in Windows 10

What is ‘Windows update error code 0xe06d7363’ in Windows 10?

If you are facing ‘Windows update error code 0xe06d7363’ while trying to update Windows 10 OS in your computer, then you are in right place for the solution. Here, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

Windows update error code 0xe06d7363’: It is common Windows update error similar to Windows update error code 0x80070012 and Windows update error 0x800703ee. ‘Error code 0xe06d7363’ problem usually occurred when you try to update Windows 10 OS in computer. This error prevents you from updating/upgrading Windows 10 for some reasons. This error code is also appeared when you try to open apps on Windows 10. Let’s take a look at error message appears when you try to open certain apps in Windows 10.

“The application was unable to start correctly (0xe06d7363). Click OK to close the application”

Some common Windows update error codes:

  • windows update error code 0xe06d7363
  • windows update error code 0x80070012
  • windows update error code 80072efe
  • windows update error code 0x8000ffff
  • windows update error code 0x800f0988
  • windows update error code 800b0109
  • windows upgrade error code 0xc004f050
  • windows upgrade error code 0xc004f034
  • Windows upgrade error code 0xe06d7363

There could be several reasons behind Windows update error 0xe06d7363 problem including corruption in system files or system image, corruption in Windows Update components, malware or viruses attack in computer, interference of some programs/applications installed in your computer, and/or other reasons. This issue can be occurred due to some problematic software installed in computer or issue with hardware device attached or integrated into computer.

You can find and uninstall the problematic software in your Windows 10 computer, and remove the problematic hardware or peripheral devices attached into computer in order to resolve this issue. Corruption in system files or system image can be resolved by running SFC scan and DISM scan tool in Windows computer, and if the problem is still persist, then you can try to download Windows 10 ISO and perform in-place upgrade or perform clean Windows 10 install. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Windows update error code 0xe06d7363 in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix ‘Windows update error code 0xe06d7363’ with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, EXE errors, DLL errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses attack in computer, system files or registry issues and other system issues with just few clicks. You can get this tool through button/link below.

Method 2: Run Windows 10 build-in ‘Windows Update’ troubleshooter

Windows build-in ‘Windows Update’ troubleshooter can resolve this issue. Let’s try.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + I’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Settings’ App in Windows 10

Step 2: Go to ‘Update & Security > Troubleshoot’, find and select ‘Windows Update’ troubleshooter in right pane

Step 3: Click on ‘Run the troubleshooter’ button under ‘Windows Update’ troubleshooter and follow on-screen instructions to finish troubleshooting

Step 4: Once done, restart your computer and check if you can perform Windows update/Windows Upgrade in computer without any issue.

Method 3: Reset Windows Update (WU) components in Windows 10 via Command Prompt

Corruption in Windows Update components can be resolve by resetting Windows Update (WU) components in order to fix Windows Update/Windows Upgrade error.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + X’ keys on keyboard and select ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’

Step 2: In ‘Command Prompt’ window, type the following commands one-by-one and hit ‘Enter’ key after each to execute. These commands will at first stop all Windows Update services, then clear and rename SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders, and then re-enable all Windows Update services.

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptSvc

net stop bits

net stop msiserver

ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.old

net start wuauserv

net start cryptSvc

net start bits

net start msiserver

Step 3: Once executed, restart your computer and retry updating/upgrading Windows 10 OS and check if the error is resolved.

Method 4: Clean leftovers of last build

This Windows upgrade error code 0xe06d7363 can also be occurred after the upgrade to newer version/build. It is likely remnants like obsolete unneeded .DLL, .exe portions of API’s from the last build is triggering this error. You can clear leftovers of last build on your computer, and then perform Windows update and check if the error is resolved.

Step 1: To do so, create a batch file and run the batch file

  • Open ‘Notepad’ in Windows 10 computer via Windows Search
  • Type or copy & paste the following command/text into Notepad opened

fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\&fsutil usn deletejournal /d /n c:&Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup&sfc /scannow&Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth&sfc /scannow&Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase&winsat formal&pause

  • Save the notepad file as .bat file extension. For example, you can save the file with ‘UpgradeCleanup.bat’ filename

Step 2: Now, right-click on created batch file and select ‘Run as Administrator’ to run the batch file with administrator permission. This batch file operation essentially cleans up the component store (WinSxS) and check if the missing Windows files & folders, replace them if possible.

Method 5: Perform Clean Boot in Windows 10

Another possible way to fix the issue is to perform clean boot in your computer and then perform Windows update/upgrade process. Clean Boot operation offers you to boot your computer with minimal set of drivers and startup programs/services. This way, you can block all programs/services that blocking from updating Windows OS.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘msconfig’ in the opened ‘Run’ dialog box and hit ‘OK’ button to open ‘System Configuration’ window

Step 2: In the opened window, click on ‘General’ tab and click on ‘Selective Startup’ radio option, clear ‘Load Startup items’ checkbox and, check ‘Load System services’ and ‘Use original boot configuration’ checkboxes if not checked.

Step 3: Now, click on ‘Services’ tab, select ‘Hide All Microsoft Services’ checkboxes, and click on ‘Disable All’

Step 4: Finally, click on ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ to save the changes and restart your computer. After restart, check if you can update/upgrade Windows 10 without any issue.

Method 6: Download Windows 10 ISO and perform in-place upgrade

If the issue is still persist, then you can try to fix the issue by downloading the latest version of Windows 10 ISO image file from Microsoft official site and then install the update.

Download Windows 10 ISO without using Media Creation Tool

Step 1: Open ‘Microsoft Edge’ browser and click on ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top-right corner and select ‘Developer Tools’ or ‘Development Tools’

Step 2: Now, visit Microsoft Official site or download Windows 10 ISO page or visit ‘’ page

Step 3: It offers you to download Media Creation Tool. Right-click on point on the page and select ‘Inspect Element’ to open ‘Debugger Tool’

Step 4: In the opened tool, click on ‘Performance’ menu, and find and select ‘Eject’ like icon and select ‘Emulation’

Step 5: List of options will appear in stacked window. You need to change ‘User Agent String to ‘Apple iPad (Sarari)’. As soon as you do that, the page will reload. It will let you directly download files on your Windows 10 computer instead of Media Creation Tool option. However, you can download Windows 10 ISO using Media Creation Tool also that can be downloaded from Microsoft official site.

Step 6: Once downloaded, mount the ISO image and double-click on setup.exe file, and follow on-screen instructions to finish in-place upgrade process. Once done, please check if the error is resolved.

Method 7: Perform Windows 10 repair or clean Windows 10 install

You can also try to fix the issue by repair Windows 10 computer using Windows 10 installation media drive. To do so, you need to plug bootable USB drive that contains Windows 10 installation media, into computer, and boot from the bootable USB and select ‘Repair your computer’ option. Also, you can perform clean Windows 10 installation by clicking ‘Install Now’ option in Windows Setup. Check if repair computer or clean Windows 10 install resolves the issue.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Windows update error code 0xe06d7363 in Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.