How to Fix volsnap.sys error Blue Screen error in Windows 10

What is ‘volsnap.sys error Blue Screen’ error in Windows 10?

If you are facing volsnap.sys error Blue Screen error in your Windows 10 computer in the middle of your work on computer or while starting/restarting Windows 10 computer, then you are in right place for the solution. Here, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘volsnap.sys error Blue Screen’ error: It is common Windows Problem considered as Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error. This BSOD error is appeared with some text saying ‘Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’ll restart for you’ and also appeared with some Windows Stop Code like ‘Page fault in Nonpaged Area’ error or others. volsnap.sys error BSOD error indicates that you are unable to access your Windows desktop for some reasons means you can’t work anymore once BSOD error is appeared.

Several users reported about this BSOD error and explained this error is appeared usually in the middle of their work on computer or when they start/restart their Windows 10 computer. There could be several reasons behind this issue including corruption in system files or registry, hard disk system images, malware or viruses infections in computer, missing or corrupted volsnap.sys file in computer, and issue with memory or hardware attached/integrated into computer.

This BSOD error can also be occurred due to interference of your third-party antivirus software installed in your computer. It might possible your third-party antivirus/firewall is blocking some system files or drivers that are required to functions for some security reasons or due to its over security reasons. In such case, you can disable or uninstall your antivirus/firewall in order to fix the issue.

Another possible reason behind this issue can be corrupted/outdated or incompatible drivers installed in your computer and outdated Windows OS. Outdated or incompatible BIOS could also be a reason behind the issue. It is possible to resolve the issue with our instructions. Let’s starts the discussion.

How to Fix volsnap.sys error Blue Screen error in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix ‘volsnap.sys error Blue Screen’ error with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues, and other system issue with just few clicks.

Method 2: Run Disk Cleanup tool in Windows 10

This issue can also be occurred due to stored junk system files, temporary files, junk data of your browser, Microsoft Store or other system applications or services in your computer. You can clear these junk files or temp files using Disk Cleanup tool in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Make sure your System is booted into Safe Mode. If not, boot your system into Safe Mode.

Step 2: Now, type ‘Disk Cleanup’ in Windows Search and open it from results appear and select your main drive like ‘C:’ drive from dropdown and hit ‘OK’ button

Step 3: This will scan your computer to find junk files. In the opened result window, check the checkboxes relating ‘Temporary files’, and you can also check another checkboxes as well if you want to delete, and then hit ‘OK’ button

Step 4: Once done, restart your computer and check if the error is resolved.

Method 3: Stop Volume Shadow Service (VSS) in Windows 10

Sometimes, this error can be occurred due to Volume Shadow Service running in your computer. You can stop the service in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘services.msc’ in the opened ‘Run’ window and hit ‘Ok’ button to open ‘Services’ window

Step 2: In the opened window, find and right-click on ‘Volume Shadow Copy’ service, and select ‘Stop’ option to stop the service. If the service is already stopped from running, then nothing is required to do.

Step 3: Now, double-click on service to open its ‘Properties’. In ‘Properties’ window, select ‘Disabled’ option from ‘Startup Type’ dropdown and hit ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ button to save the changes. Once done, restart your computer and check if the error is resolved.

Method 4: Run Bootrec Command in Windows 10

You can run Bootrec command in your computer in order to repair MBR and Boot, resolve BSOD error.

Step 1: At first, insert a bootable Windows 10 Installation Media USB/DVD into your computer and boot your computer from this bootable drive

Step 2: When Windows 10 setup run, select ‘Repair computer’ option

Step 3: Select ‘Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt’ and type the following commands one-by-one in Command Prompt and hit ‘Enter’ key after each line to execute.




Step 4: Once executed, restart your computer and check if the error is resolved.

Method 5: Replace Corrupted old volsnap.sys file

This error can be occurred if volsnap.sys is corrupt or missing. You can replace the old volsnap.sys file and get another copy of volsnap.sys from Windows.old older which is created when you upgrade from one version of Windows to another

If you are able to boot in normal mode or Safe mode:

Step 1: If you are able to boot into computer in normal mode or Safe Mode, press ‘Windows + X’ keys on keyboard and select ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’

Step 2: Executes the following commands one-by-one


list volume

Step 3: Here, using ‘List Volume’ command, you can get the name of your Windows drive and then execute the following command

copy C:\windows.old\windows\system32\drivers\volsnap.sys  C:\windows\system32\drivers\volsnap.sys

Step 4: Once executed, restart your computer and check if the error is resolved.

 If you are unable to boot into your Windows 10 computer:

Step 1: Insert Windows 10 Installation media bootable DVD/USB into your computer and boot your computer with this bootable drive

Step 2: When Windows Setup run, select ‘Repair computer > Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt’, and then follow ‘step 2 to step 4’ of above method to replace corrupted volsnap.sys file with correct one.

Method 6: Run SFC scan and CHKDSK scan in Windows 10

Step 1: Open ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’ in Windows computer and type the following commands one-by-one and hit ‘Enter’ key after each to execute

sfc /scannow

chkdsk c: /f /r

Step 3: Once executed, restart your computer and check if it works for you.

Method 7: Update Windows 10 drivers

You can update all Windows 10 drivers to latest update version in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Device Manager’ in Windows 10 via Windows Search and look for the problematic drivers

Step 2: Right-click on driver you want to update, and select ‘Update Driver’. Follow on-screen instructions to finish update. Once done, restart your computer and check if error is resolved.

Download or reinstall Windows 10 drivers [Automatically]

You can also update your all Windows drivers with ‘Automatic Driver Update Tool’. You can get this tool through button/link below.

Method 8: Reset Windows 10

If the issue is still persist, then you can try to fix the issue by performing Windows 10 reset in computer. This will reset Windows OS to its factory settings and all applications, drivers, services that didn’t come with computer will be uninstalled.

Step 1: Turn OFF your computer. Now, press ‘Power’ button to turn ON your PC and when Windows LOGO appear, hold ‘Power’ button down until PC shuts down automatically. Repeat trice

Step 2: When ‘Automatic Repair Screen’ appear, select ‘Startup Repair > Advanced Options > Troubleshoot > Reset This PC > Keep my files or Remove Everything’ and click ‘Reset’ to proceed

Step 3: Once finished, restart your computer and check if volsnap.sys error Blue Screen error is resolved.

Method 9: Update BIOS of your computer

This issue can also be occurred due to outdated or incompatible version of BIOS installed in your computer. You can update BIOS in order to fix the issue. Updating BIOS process may differ according to your PC’s motherboard you have. So, you should follow your PC’s motherboard manufacturer’s guideline in order to update BIOS. You can visit your PC’s motherboard manufacturer official website and follow their instructions to get the BIOS update and install in your computer. Once installed, please check if the error is resolved.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix volsnap.sys error Blue Screen error in Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.