How to Fix Extend Volume option is greyed out Windows 10/11 [Steps]

What is ‘Extend Volume option is greyed out’ issue in Windows 10/11?

In this article, we are going to discuss on How to fix Extend Volume option is greyed out Windows 10/11. You are provided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Extend Volume option is greyed out’ issue:

Windows built-in Disk Management Tool allows you to create, resize, extend, and delete partitions of your computer hard disk drive in Windows 10/11 computer. If you want to create a separate drive like D: drive from your hard disk drive in Windows computer, then you can use Disk Management Tool in computer to perform this task with ease. Also, you can use this tool to extend the storage size of already created partitions or volume in Windows computer. However, several users reported they faced Extend Volume option is greyed out Windows 10/11 issue when they tried to extend a partition of computer hard drive.

This issue indicates when you open Disk Management Tool in Windows 10/11 computer and right-click on a partition/volume in order to extend its storage size, you experience Extend Volume option is greyed out and you are unable to perform extending task on such drive. This issue prevents you from performing storage size extending operation on the target hard drive partition in Windows computer for some reasons. One possible reason behind the issue can be the lack of unallocated storage space available on dynamic disks.

This issue can be occurred due to hard drive partition compatibility issue means it might possible the hard drive partition you want to extend is not NTFS File System partition, or there is no contiguous unallocated space behind the primary partition that you want to extend. If you are facing the same issue and searching for ways to fix, then you are in right-place for the solution. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Extend Volume option is greyed out Windows 10/11?

Method 1: Fix Extend Volume option is greyed out issue with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is quick & easy ways to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses infections in computer, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Check the hard drive partition type

This issue can be occurred if hard drive partition type is not NTFS file system. You can check if to confirm.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘diskmgmt.msc’ in ‘Run’ window and hit ‘Ok’ button to open ‘Disk Management’ tool in Windows PC

Step 2: Now, right-click on hard drive partition that is causing issue, and select ‘Properties’. You will notice the format in ‘File System’ section. If the file system format is FAT32 or something else except NTFS, you can’t extend the portion.

Step 3: If you see the partition is in some other file system format, you can format it in NTFS format to fix. To do so, you need to open ‘Disk Management’ app again and right-click on the problematic hard drive partition, and select ‘Format…’

Step 4: Set ‘NTFS’ from ‘File System’ dropdown, and check ‘Perform a quick format’ box, and then hit ‘Ok’ button to save the changes. Once done, check if it works for you.

Method 3: Create a free volume and extend the target volume

Another way to fix the issue is to delete or shrink additional volumes from your hard drive and use it to extend the volume.

Step 1: Open ‘Disk Management’ tool in Windows PC using above method, right-click on empty partition and tap ‘Delete Volume’ to remove it. This will create an unused partition on computer.

Step 2: Or you can shrink the volume. Right-click the volume with large unused space and tap ‘Shrink volume…’, set the value of how much to shrink in MB, and then tap ‘Shrink’ to shrink the volume. Once done, check if it works for you toward resolving the issue.


I hope this post helped you on How to fix Extend Volume option is greyed out Windows 10/11 with easy ways. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.