How to disable Tamper Protection in Windows Security Settings?

In Windows 10 build 1909 and later, you will find its built-in Windows Defender antivirus tool with a security feature called Temper Protection. When you enable this feature, no malware could change the settings of the Windows Defender Antivirus and thereby adds an extra degree of security to the system.

By Default, this feature is enabled. If you want to disable this feature for any reason, there are two possible ways how you can do this. Check below, we have provided the both ways in step-by-step manner.

Guide how to enable/ disable tamper protection in windows security settings

Method 1: Enable/ Disable Temper Protection through Windows Defender Settings

  • Press Win + R, type windowsdefendere: and hit Enter,
  • Go to Virus & threat protection,
  • Under Virus & threat protection settings, click on Manage Settings,
  • Scroll down and locate Temper Protection,
  • Here, the Toggle ON or OFF are respectively to enable and disable Temper Protection.

Method 2: Enable/ Disable Temper Protection using Registry Editor

  • Press Win+ R, type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor,
  • If you receive UAC prompt, click YES,
  • On the search bar, delete any previous value and copy-paste the below registry location and hit Enter:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Feature

  • Click on Feature key on the left and at the right double-click on the TamperProtection REG_DWORD value,
  • If you can’t see the TamperProtection there, right-click on anywhere at the right pane and select New>DWORD (32-bit) Value and name the new value as TamperProtection and then proceed below,
  • Click on Edit DWORD on the page appears next and set the value data to 0 (if want to Disable Tamper Protection) or 5 (to Enable Temper Protection),
  • Finally click Ok to save the changes.

When you click on OK button, you might receive an error message that says, “Error Editing Value. Cannot edit TamperProtection. Error writing the value’s new contents.” In that case, you should proceed with the below steps and take the ownership of the Features registry key and then repeat these steps again:

Steps to take the ownership of Features registry key:

Below, we have guided with complete detailed steps how to take the ownership of the Features registry key. We recommend you create a back of the Registry key before moving to the steps as the Registry settings can be dangerous even if any minor mistakes is done. The required steps are:

  • Right-click on the Features key on the left and click on Export,
  • Give it a suitable name and save as REG file onto the desktop,
  • After that, right-click on the Features key again and this time select Permissions,
  • Click on Advanced and under the Advanced Security Settings for features window, click on Change,
  • Go to Select User or Group window and under the Enter the object name to select section, type Administrators and hit Ok,
  • Select the box that says Replace owner on subcontainers or objects and click on Apply button,
  • Now, double-click on Administrators entry, check the Full Control box on the page appears the next and hit OK button,
  • Now, go to the Advanced settings and click on OK,
  • Then, go to the Permissions for Features window and hit Ok button,
  • That’s it, now you have the necessary permissions. Just proceed with and modify the TampleProtection REG value as instructed in the method 2 to get the desired result.

That’s all! We are now round off the article. Hope so, the article guides you well on how to enable/disable tamper protection in Windows Security settings. Let us know if the guide is really helpful for you through the below comment section.