How to install Windows 11 Lite [Steps]

Tips to install Windows 11 Lite on PC:

In this article, we are going to discuss on How to install Windows 11 Lite on PC. You will be guided with easy steps/methods to do so. Let’s starts the discussion.

What is Windows 11 Lite?

‘Windows 11 Lite’: Microsoft released the latest Windows operating system as Windows 11 and Windows 11 Lite. It is successor to Windows 10 relapsed on October 20221. Windows 11 Lite is free upgrade to its prototype Windows 2015, and it available for Windows 10 devices that meet new Windows 11 Lite requirements. In other words, you should make sure your device is eligible to install and run Windows 11 Lite.

The release of Windows 11 Lite is focused on its hardware requirements and after Windows 11 Lite released, it was praised for its visual designs, its Window Management, and many more. If you are looking for ways to install ad run Windows 11 Lite in your PC/Laptop, then you are in right-place for this. Before downloading Windows 11 Lite ISO, installing and run it in your computer, you should make sure and check if your device is eligible to run Windows 11 Lite or not. Also, you can check its features.

Features of Windows 11 Lite:

  • The new windows 11 lite has new mac like interference.
  • In window 11 several new widgets have been included.
  • The windows have also added some new animation, in shifting and dragging.
  • The window has come up with all new designs like menu, taskbar, search, etc.
  • Easier transaction from monitor to the laptop, and better multitasking.
  • It is better virtual desktop support.
  • It is the lightest version which is designed to free up as many resources as possible.
  • It has the Xbox tech for better gaming.
  • The touch and control of Windows 11 Lite have been significantly improved.
  • Windows 11 Lite is secure, safe, comprehensive, and very simple to use for all users.

How to download and install Windows 11 Lite on PC?

Download Windows 11 Lite ISO [32-bit and 64-bit]

If you are not aware, Windows 11 Lite app has all new features as compared to Windows 11. It takes up to 5GB storage and has 5 apps preinstalled in it. It can run on device having 256MB RAM and minimum system requirement is 64-bit CPU and there is no need to TPM or secure boot enabled.

You can use creator made Windows 11 Lite ISO to install and run Windows 11 Lite in your device as you simply can’t install it through Microsoft. You can visit a YouTube channel like ‘’ page and wathc the linked video get ISO file. Download Windows 11 Lite ISO file and keep it on your desktop. When you extract the file, it will ask for the password which is ‘techbyneel’.

Create bootable Windows 11 Lite USB drive:

Now, you will need make bootable Windows 11 Lite into USB flash drive. You can use Rufus Software  [Get from page]for this purpose. Download this tool and keep pen drive handy for the process below.

Create partition to install Windows 11 Lite:

Step 1: Open ‘Disk Management’ app via Windows Search Box. You will now see your hard drive and its pre-created partitions. To shrink volume, right—click an existing partition and click ‘Shrink Volume’, and select ‘Shrink’ on the box that appears.

Step2: Once you see unallocated space, right-click on it and select ‘New Simple Volume’

Step 3: Follow through the setup wizard and assign your drive a letter and a name. Click ‘Finish’ and new partition will be created.

 Burning Windows 11 Lite ISO into USB drive

Step 1: You can download and install Rufus software in your computer for this purpose. Once installed, launch it and select your USB drive by clicking dropdown next to the ‘Device’

Step 2: Click ‘Select’ button to choose your ISO file and go to folder where you have stored your build. Select it and press ‘Open’

Step 3: Click ‘Start’ and you don’t need to change any other settings and then hit ‘Ok’ button to format the drive

Step 4: Wait to finish and once done, you can close and eject the USB drive.

How to install Windows 11 Lite on PC?

Step 1: Restart your computer and booting process initiates, press ‘F2‘, ‘DELETE’ or other BIOS supported key to enter into BIOS mode

Step 2: Go to ‘Boot’ settings and change boot order to USB drive as priority device.

Step 3: You will now enter the Windows setup in few minutes and you can follow along just as you would in standard setup. In the partition selection section, choose the partition we created earlier and continue.

Step 4: Wait to finish the process. Once done, your PC will restart a few times and before you know it, you will boot the Windows 11 Lite desktop.


I am sure this post helped you on How to install Windows 11 Lite with easy ways. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.