How to fix WMI repository reset failed access denied error Windows 10/11?

 Windows Management Instrumentation or otherwise called WMI is referred as a database containing meta-information and definitions for WMI classes. This database is helpful for administrators to manage different Windows Environments that includes the Remote Systems.

If there is a problem with the WMI Repository, WMI service would not function as usual. People would have to deal with numerous errors while connecting to remote servers and that include incorrect credentials, insufficient permissions or Access Denied errors.

This article deals about the WMI repository reset failed access denied error that could come up with Error code 0x80070005, 0x8007041B, and 0x80041003 and with the error message like “Access Denied” or “Access is denied”.

Here is the complete error message that users would receive:

WMI repository verification failed
Error code: 0x80041003
Facility: WMI
Description: Access denied

WMI repository verification failed
Error code: 0x80041003
Facility: WMI
Description: Access denied

WMI repository reset failed
Error code: 0x80070005
Facility: Win32
Description: Access is denied.

Here, Facility: Win32 indicates the issue with DCOM-level security permission. It tells that the account you are using to connect to the remote server lacks the required DCOM-level security permission to access the remote device through WMI.

The Facility: WIM indicates about WMI-level security permission issue. This error message tells that the account does not have the WMI-level security permissions.

Below are the possible fixes for WMI repository reset failed a stop control

 Fix 1: Clean WBEM Repository

Very first thing you should try is to clean the WBEM repository and see the then if this fixes the issue. You can easily perform this operation using Command Prompt by Running it as Administrator. Here are the required steps:

  • On the Windows Search, type cmd and hit Ok,
  • Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator,
  • Now, type the below command and hit Enter:

net stop winmgmt

  • Select Y to accept when you are asked to do so,
  • Wait the then to the process to complete,
  • Once done, use the below command and hit Enter:


  • Select Y if you are asked for and Exit the Window when the process is complete.
  • Restart the device and see if this fixes the issue.

Fix 2: Rebuild WMI Values

You should rebuild the WMI value when you can’t perform an operation in WMI. For that, open your Notepad and copy and paste the below command into it:

@echo on

cd /d c:\temp

if not exist %windir%\system32\wbem goto TryInstall

cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem

net stop winmgmt

winmgmt /kill

if exist Rep_bak rd Rep_bak /s /q

rename Repository Rep_bak

for %%i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %%i

for %%i in (*.exe) do call :FixSrv %%i

for %%i in (*.mof,*.mfl) do Mofcomp %%i

net start winmgmt

goto End


if /I (%1) == (wbemcntl.exe) goto SkipSrv

if /I (%1) == (wbemtest.exe) goto SkipSrv

if /I (%1) == (mofcomp.exe) goto SkipSrv

%1 /Regserver


goto End


if not exist wmicore.exe goto End

wmicore /s

net start winmgmt


Save this file as WMI.bat and close the Notepad. Thereupon, find the file, right-click on it and select Run as Administrator. This will rebuild the WMI values. Upon doing that, you should perform the below steps to check the WMI permissions:

  • Right-click on This PC and select Manage option to launch Computer Management Panel,
  • On the left side, double-click on the Computer Management and double-click on Services and Applications to expand it,
  • Now, right-click on the WMI Control and select Properties,
  • Under the Security tab, expand the Root folder,
  • Select the Security sub-folder and click on the Security option the then,
  • On the opened Security for ROOT dialogue box, enable the below permissions:

Execute Methods

Provider Write

Enable Account

  • Click Ok to confirm the changes.

Once done, close the Computer Management Panel and restart your device and see if the problem persists.

Fix 3: Check DCOM permissions

If WMI repository reset failed access denied continues, you should modify the DCOM permissions. Here is how:

  • On the Windows Search, type Dcomcnfg,
  • Select the match option on the result page,
  • Go to the Components Services, click Computer> My Computer,
  • Right-click on My Computer and select Properties,
  • Under the COM Security tab, and under the Access permission section, click Edit Limits,
  • On the opened Access Permission dialogue box, select Everyone and check the then if the below permissions are granted:

Local Access

Remote Access

  • Select the Allow button, if it is not and confirm the action with clicking Ok,
  • Now, back to the My Computer Properties, go to the Launch and Activation permission this time,
  • Click on Edit limits, select Everyone and allow the permission for the following:

Local Launch

Local Activation

  • On doing this and confirming the action the then, move to the Computer Services Window,
  • Under it select Computers> My Computers> DCOM config,
  • Scroll down the right side and find Windows Management Instrumentation,
  • Right-click on it and select properties,
  • Go to the Security tab and click on Edit option under the Launch and Activation Permission,
  • Select Administrators and grant the permission for the following:

Local Launch

Remote Launch

Local Activation

Remote Activation

  • Confirm the changes. Hope that the error is fixed now.

That’s all! We hope that the above mentioned methods help you in getting the wmi repository reset failed a stop control error fix. if none of the methods help you in getting the error fix, there could be system related issue of which you can get an automatic fix using PC Repair Tool.