How to fix RESULT_CODE_HUNG error Chrome/Edge in Windows 10

What is ‘RESULT_CODE_HUNG’ error on Chrome/Edge browser in Windows 10?

If you are experiencing ‘RESULT_CODE_HUNG error’ while trying to access certain websites or while browsing internet on Edge/Chrome browser in Windows 10, then you are in right place for the solution. Here, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘RESULT_CODE_HUNG’ error on browser: It is common error usually occurred on Chromium-based browsers like Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and other browsers while trying to access certain WebPages or while browsing internet. The error is appeared in various forms depending on your browser. For example, the error text presented in Google Chrome browser says ‘Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage’ along with Error code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG.

It is also considered as Google Chrome Aw snap! Error that prevents you from browsing or accessing the webpage due to some error codes like RESULT_CODE_HUNG. On other hand, the error text presented in Microsoft Edge browser is different and says ‘This page is having a problem. Try coming back to it later’ along with ‘RESULT_CODE_HUNG’ error code. There could be several reason behind this error including temporary glitch in your network connection, corrupted or outdated browser cache and cookies, outdated browser, problematic browser extensions installed, misconfigured DNS, and other reasons.

Before troubleshooting the issue, you should make sure you have stable internet connection and there is no issue with internet connection because internet connection problem could one core reason behind this type of error. Also, make sure your internet service provider (ISP) or WiFi network administrator is not blocking you or your IP address from accessing internet or certain WebPages. In such case, you can contact your Internet Service Provider or WiFi network admin to remove restrictions. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix RESULT_CODE_HUNG error on Chrome/Edge in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix ‘RESULT_CODE_HUNG’ error with ‘PC Repair Tool’

If this issue is occurred due to some problems in your Windows computer, then you can fix the issue with ‘PC Repair Tool’. This tool offers you to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Reload the webpage

Before troubleshooting the issue, you can try refreshing/ reloading the webpage again on browser and check if it works for you. To do so, you can press ‘F5’ button keyboard while you are on webpage in order to refresh the webpage.

Method 3: Check internet connection

This issue can be occurred due to issue with your internet connection. You should at first check if you can use internet with another browser in your computer and if not, then you will need to fix your internet connection problem. You can fix internet connection by restarting/resetting networking equipments like router/modem and your computer both. After restart/reset, retry visiting the webpage and check if it works for you.

Method 4: Update your browser

One possible way to fix this issue is to update your browser to latest update version. To update Chrome browser, open ‘Google Chrome’ and go to ‘Help > About Google Chrome’ by clicking ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top-right corner. This will update your browser to available update version. Once done, restart your browser and retry accessing the webpage and check if it works for you.

Method 5: Clear browser cache and cookies

Corrupted browser cache and cookies could be possible reason behind the error. You can clear your browser cookies and cache in order to fix the issue. To clear cache and cookies of Chrome browser, open ‘Google Chrome’ browser and press ‘CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Clear browsing data’ tab/window. In the opened tab/window, select ‘All Time’ from ‘Time Range’ dropdown, and check the checkboxes relating to cookies and cache, and then hit ‘Clear Data’ button. Hit ‘Clear Data’ again to confirm and once done, restart your browser and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 6: Disable problematic browser extensions or all browser extensions

This issue can also be occurred due to some problematic browser extensions installed in your browser. However, it is hard to detect which browser extension is problematic so you can disable all browser extensions and check if the error is resolved. Once resolved, you can re-enable each browser extension one-by-one and check if it is causing error. To disable browser extension on Chrome, open ‘Google Chrome’ and click on ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top-right corner, select ‘More Tools > Extensions’ and disable all extensions one-by-one.

Method 7: Try Private Mode/Incognito Mode or Try different browser

Another possible way to fix the issue is to access the webpage in Incognito Mode/private Mode of your browser that was causing error while trying to access in Normal Mode. Check if the error is still persists even in Incognito Mode/Private Window Mode of your browser. Or you can try different browser in order to check if your current browser is problematic or not. For example, if you are facing issue in Google Chrome, try different browser like Mozilla Firefox or others, or other Chromium-based browsers and check if you can browse the internet without any issue.

Method 8: Reset browser

If the issue is still persist, you can perform browser reset operation in order to fix the issue. To reset Chrome browser, open ‘Google Chrome’ and click on ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top-right corner and select ‘Settings’. In ‘Settings’ page, click on ‘Advanced > Reset and clean up’ option in left pane and in right pane, click on ‘Restore settings to their original defaults’ option. Wait to finish and once done, restart your browser and check if it works for you.

Method 9: Change DNS server in browser

Another possible way to fix the issue is to change DNS in your browser.

Change DNS server in Chrome:

Step 1: Open ‘Google Chrome’ and click on ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top-right corner and select ‘Settings’

Step 2: In ‘Settings’ page, go to ‘Privacy & Security > Security’ and enable ‘Use Secure DNS’ option if it is disabled

Step 3: Switch to ‘With’ radio button and select ‘Google (Public) DNS’ from dropdown, enter ‘’ and ‘’ in primary and security DNS field, and save the changes.

Step 4: Once done, retry accessing the webpage and check if the error is resolved.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix RESULT_CODE_HUNG error in Chrome in Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.