How to Fix Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error in Windows 10 [Steps]

What is ‘Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted’ Error in Windows 10?

In this article, we are going to discuss on How to fix Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error in Windows 10/8/7. You will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted’ error: You may experience ‘Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted’ error on screen when you attempt to download anything or files/applications from internet. This error indicates you can’t download a file/application due to some security reasons and the file/application you tried to download was deleted. This error states the file/application you are trying to download contains a virus/malware that can damage your computer so the file was deleted and no more available to you.

Researcher says if you are seeing ‘Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted’ Error after downloading a file/application from internet, it means you get infected by Rootkit or Trojan horse virus. This virus is called ‘ZeroAccess’ Rootkit threat and mostly this happens when you try to download something from IE (Internet Explorer) browser version 8.9 or 10.

‘ZeroAccess Rootkit’: ZeroAccess Rootkit is very dangerous Trojan horse virus that leads to invite other malware and viruses in your computer. So, you can even lost your important data or your identity can be stolen by the attackers or malware programmers. In such case, you should immediately take action to remove this infection from your computer as it works in hidden mode in background and help other Trojan or infections to enter into your computer and infect your computer.

The possible way to distribution used by attackers behind ZeroAccess Rootkit or Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error Trojan is software bundling method, software cracks and keygens. These are programs which promote the software piracy and as it saying this message ‘all download this file contained a virus and was deleted’ everything when you try to download any file/program from internet. So, it is necessary to find and remove this Rootkit Trojan virus and fix this error in computer if you don’t this type of error and infections in future.

How to fix Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error in Windows 10/8/7?

Method 1: Fix Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Boot Windows PC in Safe Mode and Networking ON

One possible way to fix the error is boot your computer in Safe Mode and network ON.

Step 1: Press & hold ‘SHIFT’ key on keyboard and then restart your computer to enter into your Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) screen

Step 2: Once you are in WinRE screen, select ‘Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings > Restart’ and press ‘F5’ or ‘5’ key to choose ‘Safe Mode with networking’ to boot your computer in Safe Mode with networking

Step 3: Now, open ‘System Configuration’ app in Windows PC via Windows Search Box

Step 4: Click ‘Services’ tab, select ‘Hide all Microsoft Services’ checkbox and hit ‘Disable All’ button

Step 5: Now, go to ‘Startup’ tab, click ‘Open Task Manager’, right-click on each startup item and select ‘Disable’ to disable them and then close Task Manager, and finally, click ‘Apply > Ok’ button to System Configuration app to save the changes.

Step 6: Once done, restart your computer and boot your computer normal mode, and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Disable third-party antivirus/firewall or built-in antivirus/firewall

This issue can be occurred due to interference of your third-party antivirus/firewall program installed in your computer. You can disable your disable third-party antivirus/firewall or built-in antivirus/firewall program in computer in order to fix the issue, and once done, check if it works for you.

Method 4: Create a new user account in Windows PC

It might possible there is some temporary issue with your user account you are logging in Windows PC. You can create new user account and login in with in computer in order to fix.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and go to ‘Accounts > Family and other people > Other People segment > Add someone else to this PC’

Step 2: Fill out the form using ‘username and password’ to create a new user account

Step 3: Now, tap ‘Change the account type’, use the dropdown, select ‘Administrator to give higher admin privileges’ option and restart your computer.

 Step 4: Login with newly created user account and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 5: Repair corrupted files

Step 1: Using your new account, switch to ‘Old account’ and tap ‘Ok’ to move forward

Step 2: Restore Default Admin Privileges on ‘Old Account’, check for ‘Filename’ that contains ‘Virus and remove corrupted files’, and make sure to have the account hold ‘Admin Mode’.

Method 6: Download and run Microsoft Safety Scanner

You can run Microsoft Safety Scanner tool to scan, detect and remove malware from computer.

Step 1: Open your browser and visit ‘Microsoft Official’ site and download ‘Microsoft Safety Scanner’ tool from there.

Step 2: Once downloaded, launch it and choose ‘Scan Type’ you want to conduct, invite the scan and review the results that appear on the screen, you will see a list of entire program identified on your computer. Once finished, check if the issue is resolved.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error, remove Filename Contains a Virus and Was Deleted Error, remove ZeroAccess Rootkit in Windows 10/8/7 with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.