How to fix error code e502 l3 steam?

Some Steam users have recently reported about error code e502 l3 steam. They receive an error message while using the platform that says:

“We were unable to service your request. Please try again later.”

The Steam issue with error code e502 l3 often occurs when users log-in to the platform or use the Steam Store to make a purchase. The issue occurs when the steam servers are not able to process.

In this article, we will discuss about various fixes that you should try to get rid of the problem.

Steam is a popular gaming distribution platform. People encounter error code e502 l3 while using the Steam to make purchases. In general, this indices problems with the servers that automatically fix after a while.

However, there is certain scenario when the issue is restricted to some users. This could be because of the firewall or third-party app is interfering with the request that you are making. With that’s being said, let’s get started the different methods how to solve the error code on Steam.

Possible fixes for error code e502 l3 steam

Fix 1: Check the server Status of the platform

Very first, you should check if the Steam Servers’ status is good. As in most of the cases, the error occurs because the Steam servers are facing the issue or not responding due to some reason. Nothing in your control in such a case and therefore you have to wait till that problem is resolved from the server side. You can make use of some third party site that updates other on the status of the Steam servers. Down Detector is one such site.

Fix 2: Disable third party antivirus

In some cases, the problem occurs because of third party antivirus tool installed on system. The antivirus tool might interfere with the Steam client processes and do not allow that request that being made, that results in error code e502 l3 steam.

In such a case, you should disable your third party antivirus program on your system and then use the Steam app to see if this resolves your problem. Some other apps might also be the reason for the problematic. So, if the situation won’t control after disabling the antivirius tool, you should perform clean booting your PC.

Fix 3: Turn off Windows Defender Firewall

Windows Defender firewall manages all incoming and outgoing requests on your computer. The error code e502 l3 steam could be due to the fact that the request is blocked by the app. If this is the case, you should turn off your Windows Defender Firewall to see if the problem goes away. If yes, you should make sure that the Steam app is whitelisted on your Windows Firewall:

  • Search for Control Panel and open it,
  • Click on the System and Security,
  • Then click on Windows Defender Firewall,
  • On the left, click Turn Windows Defender on or off option,
  • Finally, choose the Turn off Windows Defender Firewall option for both public and private network,
  • Click Ok to save the changes and see the then if the problem persists.

Fix 4: Reinstall Steam

In none of the methods work and you still experience error code e502 l3 steam, it is very likely that the problem is with the Steam Installation files. You should reinstall the Steam client in this case to get the required fix:

  • Open Control Panel,
  • Click on Uninstall a Programs under Programs,
  • In the apps list appears, search for Steam,
  • Right-click on it and select Uninstall,
  • Restart your system,
  • Now, head to the website and download the installer again,
  • Install Steam on your PC and see if the problem is still there.

That’s all! We have provided all possible fixes for error code e502 l3 steam. Hope so, these methods are really helpful in getting the required fix. If these methods do not work, you should use PC Repair Tool –a professional tool that looks for other possible issues and provides their automatic fixes.