How to Fix Error 524 Cloudflare in Chrome in Windows 10

What is ‘Error 524 Cloudflare’ in Google Chrome in Windows 10?

If you are facing ‘Error 524 Cloudflare’ problem while trying to access or visit certain website or certain feature in an app in Windows 10 computer, then you are in right place for the solution. Here, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Cloudflare’: Cloudflare is American web infrastructure and website security company that provides CDN (Content Delivery Network) and DDoS (Distributed Denial-Of Service) mitigation service. Cloudflare service sits between website’s visitor and Cloudflare’s customer’ hosting provider. Cloudflare acts as reverse proxy for websites. Cloudflare optimizes the delivery of website resources for your visitors and its data centers serve your website’s static resources and ask you origin web server for dynamic content.

Many web developers keep their websites secure and quick loading by using Cloudflare’s CDN service. However, several website’s visitors reported that they faced ‘Error 524 Cloudflare’ problem while they tried to access certain websites or certain features of app. This error prevents you from accessing features of app, loading a webpage, signing into the gaming platform. Some users also reported they were successful login into app/game platform offline but they face error while trying accessing features online.

When this error is appeared while trying to access specific website in browser, it means that when Cloudflare tried to establish a connection to server, it took too long for other end to respond. It might possible this issue is occurred due to problem in website or app server end. In such case, you can contact website or app owner and report the error and wait for them to resolve it.

Error 524 Cloudflare can also be occurred due to issue in your end means problem might be in your browser or in network, or in Windows 10 computer. Before troubleshooting the issue, you should try to resolve the issue just by refreshing or reloading the webpage and check if it works for you. If not, then you can go for our solution. Here, we are providing the solution for both website’s visitors or website’s owners who are facing this error while accessing certain webpage or certain features of app in Windows 10 computer. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Error 524 Cloudflare in Chrome in Windows 10? [For Website’s visitor]

Method 1: Fix ‘Error 524 Cloudflare’ with ‘PC Repair Tool’

If this issue is occurred due to some issues in your Windows computer, then you can try to fix the issue with ‘PC Repair Tool’. This software offers you to find and fix BSOD errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks. You can get this tool through button/link below.

Method 2: Reload the webpage

If you are facing this error in your web browser, then you are try to fix the issue by refreshing or reloading the webpage. You can close the browser and restart the browser and reload the page. At first, close your browser and then restart it. Now, try accessing the website again and check if it works for you.

Method 3: Uninstall a program and then reinstall it

If you are facing the problem on application, then you can try to fix the issue by uninstalling and then reinstall the application in order to fix the issue. After reinstall, re-establishing the connection to server and check if Error 524 Cloudflare is resolved, to do so, follow the steps below.

Step 1: In Windows 10, open ‘Settings’ App and go to ‘Apps > Apps & Features’, find and select the affected program, and click on ‘Uninstall’

Step 2: Follow on-screen to uninstall and after that, restart your computer

Step 3: After restart, reinstall the program again and check if the error is resolved.

Method 4: Remove restrictions on your app/game account

This issue can be occurred when there is certain restrictions on your app/game account. If you are using ‘Child’ account, you won’t be able to play online, download games and communicate with contacts and access some other features online, and can cause Error 524 Cloudflare error. In such case, you can remove such restrictions that are blocking you from accessing certain app features and causing this error.

How to fix Error 524 Cloudflare problem? [For website’s owner]

This issue can be occurred due to problem in website or app server end. If you are website owners, then you can follow our instructions to resolve the issue.

Method 1: Check server load

Step 1: At first, you need to check if your server’s resources usage is above normal or at its peak

Step 2: Check if increase in traffic is causing the error, then you can try to increase the resources by upgrading your server in order to fix the issue

Step 3: If you don’t see anything unusual in traffic, you can check if other processes are hogging the resources

Step 4: You can also manage or fix your server usage by limiting the processes running on the server

Method 2: Block Brute attacks

Step 1: At first, open ‘SSH Client’ and use root access to log into your account

Step 2: Check if you are getting multiple hits from particular IP address. You can do that by executing following command

netstat -an | grep 80

Step 3: This command will help you to know what IP addresses have multiple hits on your site. If you notice any suspicious IP address, you can block it and protect your server. To block the IP address, follow and execute below commands

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Step 4:  Here, ‘’ IP address you can replace with IP address you detect suspicious. Repeat the same steps to block all suspicious IP addresses you find

Step 5: After blocking all suspicious IPs, restart your server using following command

systemctl httpd restart

Step 6: Once done, retry accessing the site and check if the error is resolved.

Method 3: Enable DDoS Protection

This issue can also be occurred due to DDoS attack. You can enable DDoS protection through Cloudflare in your site in order to fix the issue. This issue can also be occurred due to increase in legitimate traffic, so you can upgrade your hosting plan in order resolve the issue.

Method 4: Move to subdomain

One possible way to resolve this issue is to move the processes to a subdomain. You can configure subdomains outside of your Cloudflare DNS app. These ‘Grey Clouded’ domains can run the processes in background and send updates to server without keeping HTTP connection open. This allows your Cloudflare to handle its incoming trafix requests while your web server handles cumbersome processes separately.

Method 5: Contact your hosting provider

If you are unable to resolve your website’s error or Error 524 Cloudflare, then you can contact your hosting provider and ask them from help to resolve the issue. You can report your problem to your hosting provider and wait to them to resolve.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Error 524 Cloudflare in Chrome in Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.