How to fix d3d11.dll caused an access violation error?

D3D11.dll file is a part of DirectX 11 distribution. Thus, the Windows apps and games based on DirectX require this file for graphical processing. The d3d11.dll error causes various problems with running these applications and games.

 There are different phrases that you would receive related to error with this file. Some of these include:

  • dll caused an access violation
  • dll Not Found
  • The file d3d11.dll is missing.
  • This application failed to start because d3d11.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
  • Cannot find [PATH]\d3d11.dll
  • Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: d3d11.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.

The D2D11.dll errors could be resolved after uninstalling and reinstalling the DirextX software collection. However, it can’t be certainly said that the reinstalling the distribution collection would resolve the issue.

We also would not suggest you make an attempt to replace your d3d11.dll version with a clean version from DLL download pages as lot of such pages contain malicious codes that leave your system exposed to security attacks in future.

If you are struggling with d3d11.dll caused an access violation, below are certain methods that you should try to get the error resolved. Please follow the methods in order till you get a fix for the problem you encounter.

Possible fixes for d3d11.dll caused an access violation error

Fix 1: Run SFC scan

Run SFC scan to restore the corrupted Windows system files. Follow the below steps to perform SFC scan and see if this manages to resolve the issue:

  • Search cmd on the search menu and select the match result,
  • Right-click on Command Prompt and choose Run as Administrator,
  • Type sfc/scannow in the command line and hit Enter,
  • When the scanning process is complete, close the elevated command prompt and restart your device.

Fix 2: Re-register the D3D11.dll file

Re-register the .dll file and see if this provides you the fix. Here are the quick guides:

  • Run Command Prompt as Admin,
  • In the elevated Command Prompt, type the below command and hit Enter:

for %d in (*.dll) do regsvr32 -s %d

  • when the process is complete, close the elevated command prompt and reboot the system,
  • Next to the PC reboot, open the app that displays d3d11.dll caused an access violation error and check if the problem is gone.

Fix 3: Replace the file with local copy

Some users have managed to resolve it by taking the ownership of the file from sysWOW folder and replacing it with a fresh copy from wnsxs folder. Here are the required steps:

  • Open Command Prompt as Admin and enter the below command:

d3d11.dll file: takeown /f C:\Windows\SysWOW64

(use sysWOW in place of sysWOW64 in case of 32-bit architecture)

  • Now, run the below command and hit Enter:

C:\Windows\System32\en-US\winload.exe.mui /G *username*:F

  • When receive Are you sure? Prompt, type Y and hit Enter again,
  • Now, navigate to C:\ Windows \ SysWOW64 folder, search for d3d11.dll file and delete it,
  • Navigate to C:\ Windows \WinSxS \ wow64_microsoft-windows-directx-direct3d11_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.248_none_079cb6546cd25135 the then and copy the clean d3d11.dll file,
  • Paste it to SysWow (or SysWOW64) and reboot your computer.

Fix 4: Update the drivers

d3d11.dll error could be an indication of outdated video card drivers. Go to the video’s card manufacturer website and download the latest update or use the below automatic driver updating tool to perform the process automatically.

Fix 5: Reinstall DirectX 11

 If nothing helps, you should simply download the Microsoft DirectX and reinstall it on your Windows system. This should help.

In some cases, d3d11.dll error indicates registry problems, a malware issue like virus infection, hardware failure, system file corruption and so on. In such a case, you can get an automatic fix for the issue by using PC Repair tool. Here is its direct download link.


That’s it! We have provided all possible fixes for d3d11.dll caused an access violation. Hopefully, these methods help you in getting the error fix. You can contact us from below the comment section if you have any problem with the steps provided in different methods to get the error fix.