How to change network profile Windows 11?

There are three Network Profile Types and this article guides you how you can change network profile windows 11. There are three possible ways of doing this namely through Windows Settings, Registry Editor and Windows PowerShell. WE will discuss about them all.

Besides Public and Private the two Network Profile types, which are for regular home computer user, there is a Domain network on Windows computer if it is connected with an organization.. If you want to switch from one option to another, the tutorial in this article will be helpful for you.

Before, we move on and provide you the detail step-by-step guide, we let you know that these changes are network-specific. This means, if you have Ethernet connection and you change the network profile type from Public to Private, this will apply for the particular Ethernet connection only.

So, if you want to do the scam on WI-FI connection, you need to repeat that steps. As said, there are three possible ways how you can change network profile types Windows 10. These include using Windows Settings, Using Registry Editor and Using Windows Power Shell. Let’s discuss about them in somewhat detail:

Steps how to change network profile Windows 11

Using Windows Settings

This is the easiest method to perform this action. The Windows Settings in Windows 11 is has user-friendly interface and therefore you can easily navigate to the path and perform the required changes. To change network profile Windows 11 using Windows Settings, follow the below steps:

  • Press Win + I to open Windows Settings,
  • Go to the Network & Internet,
  • Click on Internet source, Ethernet or Wi-Fi,
  • Select from Public and Private,
  • Finally, restart your computer.

Using Registry Editor

If you have noted the network name, this method will be the quickest open to change network profile Windows 11. You may have to go through all entries one after one to find out the network name and make the changes. Here are the complete steps how you can change network profile Windows using Registry Editor:

  • Press Win+ R, type regedit and hit Enter,
  • Click ‘Yes’ on the received UAC prompt,
  • Now, go to the below location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

  • Click on the sub-key that represents the desired network profile,
  • Now, double click on Category REG_DWORD value and select the Value data O for Public 1 for Private and 2 for Domain,
  • Click on Ok button and finally restart the device so as the changes take place.

 The Profiles key has different sub-keys and each sub-key corresponds to a particular network. You should check the ProfileName String Value to verify about a particular network.

Using Windows PowerShell

You can use Windows Power Shell to do the same thing. Here is how you can change network profile Windows 11 using Windows PowerShell:

  • Simply Search for PowerShell on Taskbar search box,
  • Click on Run as Administrator,
  • Click Yes if received UAC prompt,
  • Type the below command and hit Enter:

Get-NetConnectionProfileNote down

  • Then, type below command and hit Enter:

Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name “Network-Name” -NetworkCategory Public

  • Close Windows PowerShell and restart your computer,
  • To change the network profile type to Private, use the below command:

Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name “Network-Name” -NetworkCategory Private

  • Here, you should replace the Network-Name with the original network profile name.

That’s all! We have provided the complete step-by-step guide how to change network profile Windows 11. Hope so, the methods described below are helpful for you and you can perform the entire steps on your own. If you find trouble in performing the steps, you can contact us from the comment section below for additional help.