CL18 Vs CL16 RAM Comparison: Which one is better? [Easy Guide]

CL18 RAM Vs CL16 RAM: Comparison on the basis of speed, RAM latency, performance and CPUs:

In this article, we are going to discuss on CL18 Vs CL16 RAM or CL18 RAM Vs CL16 RAM comparison on the basis of speed, RAM latency, performance and CPUs. You will be guided here to investigate which one is better RAM from CL18 and CL16 RAM. Let’s starts the discussion.

What are CL18 RAM and CL16 RAM?

The word ‘CL’ in CL18 RAM and CL16 RAM stands for CAS Latency where CAS stands for Column Address Strobe. CAS Latency (CL) is the number of clock cycles that pass between the READ instruction and the instant that data becomes available. When the RAM tries to access data from your computer’s memory column, it reports the time delay in clock cycle times. Nanoseconds are used to denote the time for asynchronous DRAM while clock cycles are used as unit of measurement in synchronous DRAM.

CAS Latency of RAM module is number of clock cycle it takes the RAM module to retrieve a specific set of data in one of its columns and make that data accessible on its output ports once the memory controller orders it to. CAS Latency can be explained in variety of ways including CAS 16 or CL16 contains CAS 16 timing means it is RAM kit with CAS Latency of 16 while CL 18 contains CAS 18 times means a RAM kit with CAS Latency of 18. If you are looking for the guide helps you to investigate which RAM module is better from CL18 RAM and CL16 RAM, then you are in right-place for this. Let’s start the comparison of these two RAM.

CL18 Vs CL16 RAM Comparison on the basis of “RAM Latency”:

As mentioned above, RAM Latency is the amount of time it takes for the memory to complete a clock cycle that is determined by RAM speed. Higher the RAM speeds results in decreased RAM latency but speedier performance. CAS latency and RAM latency are interrelated and so thorough understanding of both these terms is important to understand their effect on RAM performance. Increased RAM or faster RAM equals reduces RAM latency which means your RAM can retrieve memory more times a second with less time between cycles.

When we talk about CL16 RAM, it will perform substantially faster than CL18 at this memory speed while both have similar latency with CL18 being somewhat slower. In sort, the data process may quicker with CL16RAM as it takes two fewer cycles to complete the task than CL18. At last, we can say that CL16 is slightly faster than CL18.

CL18 RAM Vs CL16 RAM Comparisons on the basis of RAM performance and CPUs

AMD processors: AMD processors like Ryzen CPUs have more dedicated to RAM speed over their Intel Core equivalents. AMD processors tend to have faster RAM speed but the overall RAM performance of Ryzen-based processor might not be up to mark. The CPU core and AMD Ryzen CPU chips each have their unique clock time characteristics and this is the termed infinity fabric core system.

When the memory speed is twice the clock cycle, this FCLK (which is typically limited to clock speed of 1800 to 200MHZ) can operate at its finest. So, lower the amount of processes required to perform a command, you can make most Ryzen’s tight clock cycles. So, you can ignore clock speed and focus on lower CL if you have AMD Ryzen CPU. In sort, on the basis of AMD CPUs and performance, CL16 RAM is better than CL18 RAM.

Intel Processors: Intel processors are just opposite of AMD processors in this case as the tight clock time to coordinate with memory clock time in Intel CPUs. On Intel processor based PCs if you are using a3600MHz CL18 and modifying it to CL16 will much more effective. CL16 can perform at its best but the latency delay is barely noticeable until you want to intense level of smooth gaming experience. In sort, CL18 is faster than CL16 in terms of CPUs and RAM performance.

CL18 Vs CL16 RAM Comparison on the basis of “Speed”:

If you are not aware, RAM Latency is the amount of time it takes for the memory to complete a clock cycle which is determined by RAM speed. CAS latency of your RAM can be find by looking at manufacturer’s website or your RAM stick. RAM Stick shows series of three/four digits, and first one is indicates your CAS latency. Unusually, CL16 is 3200MHz RAM while CL18 is 3600MHz RAM. From CL18 and CL16 RAM, the CL16 has large range whereas the latter one falls behind. It means CL16 at 3200MHz RAM has greater memory speed than CL18 at 3600MHz RAM.


I am sure this post helped you on Comparison CL18 Vs CL16 RAM or CL18 RAM Vs CL16 RAM and helps you to investigate which one is better in terms of CPUs and RAM performance, speed, and RAM Latency. Here, we explained that both CL16 and CL18 ahs excellent choices and allow them to perform at their fullest. CL16 is best in terms of memory speed, while CL18 may outperform as CL16 is if you are using Intel processor. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.