How to fix the computer has rebooted from a bugcheck BSOD?

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck is a Blue Screen of Death error in Windows 10. People encounter this error during the time they perform system reboot. The possible reasons that cause the problem could vary.

There could be an issue from incompatible driver or hardware to low memory anything can cause the booting error or even complete system crashes. However, typically with any BSODs, this particular BSOD also comes up with stop code that could be any of the following:

  • Event id 1001 / windows 10 bugcheck 1001 reboot
  • The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck memory dmp
  • 0x00000018/0x0000009f/0x000000be/0x00000119
  • 0x00000050/0x0000000a/0x00000116
  • 0x00000001/0x00000113/0x0000007a/0x00000109/0x0000001a

If you are dealing with this issue, you should check our below mentioned troubleshooting solutions. These will definitely help you in resolving the problem and booting the device and access the system like before:

Possible fixes for the computer has rebooted from a bugcheck

Fix 1: Remove your peripherals devices and drivers

If you reported the problem just after inserting a peripheral device on your system, it is a good idea to remove it first and then uninstall the driver from Device Manager:

  • Press Win+ R, type in devmgmt.msc and hit Enter,
  • Once in Device Manager, check for the recently installed Device driver, right-click on it and select Uninstall Device,

  • Reboot your system the next and check if this resolves the problem.

Fix 2: Update your drivers

 Some of the Windows error and bugs occur because of very old or incompatible drivers. The lack of drivers can lead to lag, system errors or even BSODs. So, you should update your drivers and see if this provides you the fix for the computer has rebooted from a bugcheck error. Here are the required steps:

  • Right-click on Start button and select Device Manager,
  • Check for the problematic driver, right-click on it and select Update driver,

  • Select Search automatically for drivers,
  • When the system found a new driver and install it, restart your system for the changes to take effect.

 Alternatively, you can download an updated driver from the manufacturer’s official website. Another option is to use dedicated driver updating tool to automate the process. Here is direct download link for one such automatic driver updating tools.

Fix 3: Perform memory check

If the computer has rebooted from a bugcheck continues, you should check for the possibility of memory fault. You should check your memory by performing the following steps:

  • Press Win+ R, type in mdched.exe and hit Enter,
  • Click on one of the options from Restart now and check for problems or Check for problems the next time I start my computer.

Fix 4: Restore System

If none of the methods work, you should use the Windows Restore function and get back to the previous state on system when there was no such issue:

  • Type in restore point on Windows Search and select Create a Restore Point,
  • Now, click on Restore button,

  • Choose Select a different restore point,
  • Select a point created before the PC started to crash and click Next,
  • Click Finish option and wait for the restore point to restore your PC to the earlier state where there was no such issue.

That’s all! We have provided all possible fixes for the computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. Hope so, these fixes helped you in resolving the problem. if the problem continues, make sure you use PC Repair Tool to check for possible Windows related issues to repair them automatically.