How to take high resolution and get high quality screenshot windows 10?

On a daily life working on Windows 10, you often come across the situation when you want to capture the screen. For example, you might capture a page of the book you read online and share it to your friend, if finds informative.

By default, Windows 10 provides you multiple ways to capture the screen, including keyboard shortcuts, snipping tools and etc. However, you might notice sometimes the captured image/ screen on Windows has overall a low quality than the real picture. That happens because of a low resolution.

The term resolution in our discussion how to take high resolution screenshot windows 10 refers to a number of pixels or dot per inch of the image. Definitely, the higher resolution will make the image clearer and the high quality.

Check below the guide for the possible methods to take high resolution screenshot and high quality image on Windows 10.

How to get high quality screenshots windows 10?

To take high-resolution to Windows 10 screenshots, you can use any of the below mentioned methods:

Method 1: Perform needed changes to settings

  • Open Settings app,
  • Choose System and Select Display,
  • Move to the Screen and Layout section and select ‘Advanced settings’,
  • Now, switch the toggle that says Let Windows try to fix apps, so they are not blurry to the right to turn it ON.

This option will let the apps on your main display to look better. You can also give a custom scaling size there between 100 and 500 as an alternative.

Method 2: Use snipping tool to take high resolution screenshot Windows 10

Now we will tell you how you can take the high-resolution screenshots using sniping tools on Windows 10. For that, perform the below steps:

  • Launch the screen at first that you want to take screenshot of,
  • Then, type snipping tool on the search section of the taskbar and click on the match result,
  • On the newly opened snipping tool dialogue box, click New,
  • Click on Mode option on the drop down list and then select Full-screen Snip Mode,
  • Choose Window Snip now to capture the active window,

The whole screen will be captured and you can save it using Ctrl+ S. This is how you can get high quality screenshots Windows 10.

Method 3: Use PrintScreen to take screenshots

In this method, we will guide you how you can use Printscreen button on your keyboard to take high resolution screenshot windows 10. For this, you have to follow the below steps:

  • Launch the screen you want to capture and then click on PrintScreen button,
  • Now, search for paint in the search box on taskbar and click on the search result,
  • In the newly opened paint window, press Ctrl+ V and the screen you want to capture will be shown on the paint window,
  • Save this file using Ctrl+ S and you will get high quality screenshots windows 10 this way.

Method 4: Use free GIMP photo editing software

It is free photo editing software that takes high resolution screen Windows 10. Here is how you can use the app and get high quality screenshot:

  • Download the app and launch it,
  • Select the file and choose Open,
  • Highlight the screenshot, of which you want to improve the quality,
  • Open it and select Image menu,
  • Check the box with Scale Image option, and enter the resolution fields and change X and Y resolution,
  • Once done, choose Scale> File and Save option to save the changes.

That’s all! We have provided complete guide how to get high quality screenshots Windows 10. Hope so, these methods really help you to take high resolution screenshots from now onwards. Please, share your view on the article how helpful it is.