How to fix windows 11 not reading SD card?

When dealing with Windows 11 not reading SD card issue, you should try with disabling the write protection, updating SD card driver, scanning for malware infections, check for compatibilities issues with the SD card reader and other fixes that are listed below.

To automate the process, we recommend you use PC Repair tool- an automatic tool to check for the Windows related issues and provide their automatic fixes. The direct download link for this is provided for you just below.

SD card is a great way to store data. Usually, it comes up with mobile phones and cameras, but Windows users can also use access it. Recently, there has been a discussion on security forums about the SD card is not recognized in Windows 11.

When people can’t access or retrieve their data from the SD card usually they blame on the SD card itself. However, this is not always the case. It is therefore imperative that you understand what could lead into the Windows 11 not reading SD card issue.

Possible reasons why Windows 11 can’t recognize your SD card

There could be various possible reasons. When you deal with the problem, you should firstly require checking if the SD card is listed in the File Explorer. If not, check subsequently, if it is shown within Disk Management.

If SD card is not listed in the File Explorer but listed in the Device Manager, this means that the problem occurs because the driver letter is not assigned to it. But, if you cannot see it on both the locations, then the card and the card reader both are to be blamed.

It is also possible that you are not able to access to the SD card because it has write protection enabled. Also, malware infection or viruses on the SD card or on the computer may lead into this problem. If you can’t recognize the real problem, just follow the below fixes and these will surely help you in getting rid of the problem.

Possible fixes for windows 11 not reading SD card

You should start with some basic fixes like removing the SD card, wipe it out with a clean piece of cloth, and blow light air into the port to check for the debris. If you are using external SD card reader, unplug it and then connect to another USB port as there could be problem with the previously connected USB port.

In a go, if the problem persists, you should try connecting the SD card to another computer and check if it works. If it does, this means that the problem lies within your computer and mentioned methods below will help you in getting rid of it.

Fix 1: Disable Write Protection

Many SD cards have Write Protection feature that allow you to read only the data and you can’t make any changes to it. However, in case of certain problem occurs, it could cause Windows 11 not reading SD card. Disabling Write Protection is the best way to deal with this situation.

To do that, at the corner, move the switch to the off or unlock position and then reconnect the SD card and check now if the Windows is now recognizing your SD card. If the error persists, head to the next solution mentioned below.

Fix 2: Assign drive letter for the SD card

  • Right-click on Start icon to launch Quick Access/ Power menu and select Disk Management from options,
  • Now, right-click on the problematic SD card and select Change Drive Letter and Paths,

  • Click on Add button and then select a drive letter on the drop down,

  • Save the changes by clicking OK button.

Fix 3: Update your SD card

  • On the search menu, type Device Manager and click on the relevant search result,
  • Now, locate the SD card, right-click on it and select Update driver,

  • Select Search automatically for drivers under it.

Alternatively, you can use automatic driver updating tool to fasten the process and without the need of any knowledge of which particular driver version you need as the tool will do all that job for you.

Fix 4: Scan for malware and viruses

  • Press Win+ S to launch Search menu,
  • Type in Windows Security and click on the top result,
  • Go to the Virus & threat protection,

  • Now, click on Scan options,

  • Select Full scan and click on Scan now button at the bottom.

Fix 5: Format the SD card

  • On the Search menu, type Create and format hard drive partition and select the match result,
  • On the opened window, right-click on the malfunctioning SD card and select Format,

  • Select FAT32 from File system drop-down menu and enter a name in Volume Level field,

  • Click on OK button and again press OK on the received prompt and wait till the format process is complete.


That’s all! We have provided all possible fixes for windows 11 not reading SD card. Hope so, these methods are fruitful to get the required fix. The best method is to employ PC Repair Tool that would check for the possible issues and provide their automatic fix.