How to Fix Windows 10 Volume Control not working for headphones [Steps]

Tips to fix Windows 10 Volume Control not working for headphones:

In this post, we are going to discuss on How to fix Windows 10 Volume Control not working for headphones. You will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Windows 10 Volume Control not working for headphones’: It is common Windows Problem considered as Volume Control not working/responding for headphones issue. This issue indicates you are unable to perform any action from Volume Control app in Windows 10’s taskbar when you try to increase/decrease the volume of your headphones (wireless/wired) connected to your computer.

Volume Control icon in System Tray on Windows 10 computer is quickest way to control the volume of speakers, headphones and other audio devices & applications in Windows computer. However, several users reported they faced they faced Volume Control not working for headphones on their Windows 10 computer when they tried to increase/decrease the volume of headphones using Volume Control in Windows PC.

Some common Volume Control not working issue:

  • Taskbar volume icon won’t open
  • Windows 10 volume slider not working
  • Volume mixer won’t open Windows 10
  • Volume icon not working Windows 10
  • Keyboard volume control not working Windows 10
  • Volume icon is not showing in Taskbar
  • The volume control program is not installed
  • Taskbar volume icon greyed out Windows 10

There could be several reasons behind the issue including the corruption in system files or registry or in system image, outdated/corrupted audio drivers, headphones drivers and other device drivers, incorrect audio settings, interference of other conflicting software, and other Windows issues. It is possible to fix the issue with our instructions. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Windows 10 Volume Control not working for headphones?

Method 1: Fix Volume Control not working for headphones with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses infections in computer, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Update Sound Card Driver/headphones driver

Updating sound card driver/headphones driver to latest & compatible version can resolve the issue. Let’s try.

Step 1: Open ‘Device Manager’ in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and expand ‘Sound, video and game controllers’ category

Step 2: Right-click on your sound card driver or your headphone driver, and select ‘Update Driver’ and follow on-screen instructions to finish the update. Once updated, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Download or reinstall sound card driver/headphone driver update in Windows PC [Automatically]

You can also try to update all Windows drivers including sound card driver, headphone drivers and all other device drivers using Automatic Driver Update Tool. You can get this tool through button/link below.

Method 3: Run Hardware and Devices troubleshooter

 Windows built-in Hardware and Devices troubleshooter can resolve the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ app in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and go to ‘Update & Security > Troubleshoot’

Step 2: Find and select ‘Hardware and Devices’ troubleshooter, and click ‘Run the troubleshooter’ button and follow on-screen instructions to finish troubleshooting process and once finished, check if the issue is resolved.

Method 4: Run SFC scan

You can run SFC scan in computer to repair corruption in system files in order to fix this error.

Step 1: Type ‘cmd’ in Windows Search Box and press ‘SHIFT + ENTER’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’

Step 2: Type ‘sfc /scannow’ command and hit ‘Enter’ key to execute. Once executed, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 5: Restart Windows Audio service

Step 1: Open ‘Services’ app in Windows PC via Windows Search Box

Step 2: Find and double-click on ‘Windows Audio’ service to open its Properties. Select ‘Automatic’ from ‘Startup Type’ and hit ‘Stop’ button under ‘Service Status’ section and then click ‘Start’ button under this section

Step 3: Finally, click ‘Apply > Ok’ button to save the changes and once done, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 6: Check if Audio manager is enabled

Step 1: Press ‘CTRL + SHIFT + ESC’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Task Manager’

Step 2: Go to ‘Startup’ tab, find and right-click on ‘Audio Manager’, and select ‘Enable’ option to enable it. Once done, restart your computer and check if it works for you.

Method 7: Kill sndvol.exe process

Step 1: Open ‘Task Manager’ app using above method

Step 2: Under ‘Processes’ tab, find and right-click on ‘sndVol.exe’ or ‘Volume Mixer’ process, select ‘End Task’ to close it. Once done, check if it works for you.

Method 8: Change font size

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ app in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and go to ‘System > Change the size of text, apps and other items’ to any other value

Step 2: Now, log out of your user account in Windows PC and log back into your user account and then check if it works for you.

Method 9: Disable or uninstall your third-party antivirus/firewall

This issue can be occurred due to interference of your third-party antivirus/firewall program installed in computer. You can disable or uninstall third-party antivirus/firewall program in computer to fix and check if it works for you.

Method 10: Restart Windows Explorer process

Step 1: Open ‘Task Manager’ app and under ‘Processes’ tab

Step 2: Find and right-click on ‘Windows Explorer’, and select ‘Restart’ to restart it. Once done, check if it works for you.

Method 11: Check headphones hardware

This issue can be occurred if headphone hardware is problematic. You should make sure headphone is working fine and is connected to your computer properly and also make sure the volume of headphone is enough to listen to audio.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Windows 10 Volume Control not working for headphones with easy ways. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.