How to Fix Google Drive Download not working in Windows 10

What is ‘Google Drive Download not working’ issue in Windows 10?

If you are experiencing ‘Google Drive Download not working’ while trying to download files from Google Drive in Windows 10 computer, then you are in right place for the solution. In this post, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Google Drive’: Google Drive is file storage and synchronization service designed & developed by Google. This service allows you to store files in cloud (on Google’s servers), synchronize file across devices and share files. This service is available for Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS devices. Google Drive encompasses Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides which share a part of Google Docs Editors Office Suite that permits collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. It offers both free and paid plans to store data.

However, users reported that they faced ‘Google Drive Download not working’ problem while they tried to downloaded their own files from Google Drive in Windows 10 computer. This issue indicates you are unable to download your own files from Google Drive for some reasons. There could be several reasons behind this problem including wrong method you are using to download files, issues with ZIP files, cookies for Google Drive is blocked in your browser, interfere by adblocker/antivirus software, and other reasons.

You should make sure you are trying to download files from Google Drive using right method. Here, you are provided various different ways to download files from Google Drive and you can try any one from them to get the Google Drive’s file. It is possible to resolve this issue with our instructions. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Google Drive Download not working issue in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix ‘Google Drive not downloading files’ issue with ‘PC Repair Tool’

If this issue is occurred due to some issues in Windows computer, then you can fix the issue with ‘PC Repair Tool’. This software offers you to find and fix BSOD errors, EXE errors, DLL errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks. You can get this tool through button/link below.

Method 2: Restart your computer

Sometimes, this issue can be occurred due to temporary glitch in your Windows computer. You can resolve this issue by restarting your computer in order to fix temporary glitch in computer.

Method 3: Various different methods to download files from Google Drive

Check if these methods help you to download files from Google Drive in computer.

Way 1:

Step 1: Access page in your browser and right-click on the file want to download. Select ‘Download’ option from menu.

Step 2: If you want to download multiple files, select files first, right-click on any one of selected files, and select ‘Download’ option.

Way 2:

Step 1: Open ‘Google Drive’, select the files/folders you want to download

Step 2: Click on ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top of file and select ‘Download’ option

Way 3:

Step 1: If you want to download individual photos/videos, open the file

Step 2: Click on ‘Download’ icon at top-right corner of file to download the file

Way 4:

Step 1: If you are not signed in to any Google Account, you will see ‘Download’ button next to file in the list view in Google Drive. Click on ‘Download’ button to get the file

Step 2: If you view files in grid view, Download button will be present on file and click on it to download the file. You can also click ‘Download All’ button to download all files in list

Method 4: Fix issues with ZIP files in Google Drive

If you download multiple files from Google Drive in Windows computer at same time, they won’t be downloaded separately, but a ZIP file will be created. Several users reported that Google Drive get stuck on preparing ZIP file message only. It doesn’t prompt them to download ZIP file. To resolve this issue, you need to click on the Leave site button when popup appears that asks whether you want to leave site or cancel. Click ‘leave’ button to start download process.

Method 5: Enable cookies relating to Google Drive in browser

This issue can also be occurred if cookies for Google Drive are not enabled in your browser like Google Chrome. You can re-enable cookies for Google Drive in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Google Drive’ in your browser or visit ‘’ page

Step 2: Click on tiny lock icon present on left side of address bar and select ‘Cookies’ from list

Step 3: In the opened window, click on ‘Blocked’ tab, check if you find any link relating to Google, click on it and hit ‘Allow’ button to allow the Cookies. Finally, click on ‘Done’ to perform.

Step 4: Once done, restart Google Drive page and check if you can download files from Google Drive without any issue.

Method 6: Switch Google Accounts

If you are unable to download files from your current logged-in Google Drive accounts, then you can try different Google accounts to access or download file in computer. If the owner of files generate link for the file/folder, then any Google Account can be use to view or download files. So, you can switch to another Google account and try downloading the files.

However, owner of files can also restricts to select few users only based on their email address to view the files. So, you should make sure you are signed-in with right Google account that is associated to list of owner email address in order to avoid restrictions.

If you are Google Chrome user, you can sign into multiple Google Accounts. One of them is used as default account that is also used for Google Drive sync feature. If you receive Google Drive link accessible from different Google drive account, then you need to switch to that account. To do so, open Google Drive in your browser and sign into with default account. Click on ‘Profile picture’ at top-right corner of screen and select your Google Account and switch it to another account you want. Once you are logged-in with second account, open Google Drive site again and check if you can download file. If not, repeat the steps to switch account and check if it works.

Method 7: Remove all Google Accounts

One possible way to fix the issue is to remove all Google Accounts from your browser or change your default account in browser. Once done, try downloading files from Google Drive only one account registered in browser.

Method 8: Disable adblockers and antivirus temporarily

Sometimes, this issue can be occurred due to interference of adblockers/antivirus software installed in your device. You can disable adblockers/antivirus software temporarily in order to fix the issue. After disabling antivirus/adblockers, try downloading the files from Google Drive and check if it works.

Method 9: Try different browser

If you are facing this problem while trying to download files from Google Drive in your Google Chrome browser, then you can try to switch your browser to other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Safari other popular browsers, and check if you can download files using other browser or by switching browser. Or, you can also try ‘Incognito Mode’ or ‘Private Window’ mode of your browser and check if you can download files from Google Drive without any issue.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix Google Drive Download not working issue in Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.