How to fix error code 0x803f8001 on PC, Redit [Steps]

What is ‘0x803f8001 error- Windows Store error’ in Windows 10?

In this article, we are going to discuss on How to fix error code 0x803f8001 on PC, 0x803f8001 Windows 10. You will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Windows Store Error Code 0x803f8001’: It is common Windows Problem considered as Windows Store error. This error is usually appeared when you try to install or update apps/games from Microsoft Windows Store in your Windows 10 computer. This issue indicates you are unable to install or update any apps/games from Microsoft Windows Store in Windows computer for some reasons.

There could be several reasons behind the issue including the issue with Microsoft Windows Store itself like corrupted/outdated cache of Windows Store, malware or viruses infections in computer, corrupted Windows System files or system image, registry issues, incomplete updates, outdated Windows OS, and other Windows issues. You can run SFC scan DISM scan in Windows computer in order to repair corruption in system files and system image, and fix this issue as well.

You should make sure all device drivers are properly installed in your Windows computer and are up-to-date to latest & compatible version. Also, you should make sure your Windows PC’s OS is up-to-date to latest version. It is possible to fix the issue with our instructions. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix error code 0x803f8001 on PC?

Method 1: Fix Windows Store error 0x803f8001 Windows 10 with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Install latest Windows 10 OS update

Updating Windows 10 OS to latest available update version can resolve the issue. Let’s try.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and go to ‘Update & Security > Windows Update’ and click ‘Check for updates’ button

Step 2: Download and install all available/pending updates and once updated, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Run Windows Automatic Repair

You can run Windows Automatic Repair in computer in order to fix.

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Windows PC and go to ‘Update & Security > Recovery > Advanced Startup’ and click ‘Restart Now’ button

Step 2: Select ‘Advanced Options > Toubleshoot > Automatic Repair’ and follow on-screen instructions to finish automatic repair process and once finished, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 4: Re-register Windows Store App

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + X’ keys on keyboard and select ‘Windows Powershell (Admin)’ option

Step 2: Type the following command one-by-one and hit ‘Enter’ key to execute

Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like “*windowscommunicationsapps*”} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online

Step 3: Once executed, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 5: Reset Windows Store Cache

Resetting Windows Store cache can reset corrupted cache and fix the issue.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows +R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘wsreset.exe’ in ‘Run’ window and hit ‘Ok’ button to perform Windows Store reset operation

Step 2: Wait to finish the process and once finished, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 6: Run SFC scan and DISM scan in Windows PC

You can run SFC scan and DISM scan in Windows PC in order to repair the corruption in system files and system image in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Type ‘cmd’ in Windows Search Box and press ‘SHIFT + ENTER’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Command Prompt as Administrator’

Step 2: Type the following commands one-by-one and hit ‘Enter’ key after each to execute.

sfc /scannow

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\RepairSource\Windows /LimitAccess

Step 3: Once executed, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 7: Disable the Proxy Server

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + R’ keys on keyboard, type ‘inetcpl.cpl’ in ‘Run’ window and hit ‘Ok’ button to open ‘Internet Properties/Internet Options’ window

Step 2: Click ‘Connections’ tab and click ‘LAN Settings’ button

Step 3: Select the ‘Automatically detect setting’ checkbox and deselect ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’ option and then hit ‘Ok’ button

Step 4: Finally, click ‘Apply’ and ‘Ok’ button to save the changes and once done, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 8: Turn ON Location Service

Step 1: Open ‘Settings’ App in Windows PC and go to ‘Privacy’

Step 2: Go to ‘Location’ under ‘App Permissions’

Step 3: You can to turn ON ‘Allow apps to access your location’ option and then restart your computer to see the changes, and check if it works toward resolving.


I am sure this post helped you on How to fix error code 0x803f8001 on PC Reddit, 0x803f8001 Windows 10 with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.