How to fix dcpatchscan.exe application error on Windows?

Application errors are something uncommon with Windows operating systems. While such problems are usually not critical, they can sometimes cause all sorts of inconveniences and even mal-functions. dcpatchscan.exe application error is something that Windows users reported recently.

The .exe extension with the filename dcpatchscan.exe indicates that it is a regular Windows executable. However, of which application it belongs to is yet not known. At current, over 60+ different locations are known where this executable file can be located within systems. So, its place is also not certain.

Those who encounter dcpatchscan.exe application error stated that this exe file is taking up huge CPU resources , app mal-functions, slowdowns, sluggishness, freezing issues and various other troubles related to  the browsing and system performances.

There is major suspect that there is a virus infection, masking up with its name. It is quite common that executable files are targeted by virus infections. So, if you are dealing with dcpatchscan.exe application error, you should once check for this possibility.

Run a full system scan using some reputable antivirus tool to make sure if your system is malware-free or it is the virus masking itself as the exe file and causing all the troubles for you. In other case, the legit file might get corrupted due to various system related issues.

There are numerous system based issues that could result in dcpatchscan.exe application error, including bugged caches, BSODs errors, registry corruption and various other issues. In that case, you should check for the below steps to get the error fix.

Fixes for dcpatchscan.exe application error

Fix 1: Run SFC and DISM

One of the main reasons why you are receiving the application error is because of system corruption. We recommend you run an SSFC scan using Command prompt to fix the issue. Likewise, DISM helps you in getting the fix for any Windows image damaged issue:

  • Type Cmd in the search box area,
  • Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator,
  • Once in the window, type in the below command and hit Enter:

Sfc/ scannow

  • Wait for the scanning to be finished,
  • The then, type in the below command and hit Enter:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

  • Restart the device upon doing this and check if the problem is gone.

 Fix 2: Use Disk Cleanup

  • This helps you in bug fixes that could result in dcpatchscan.exe application error:
  • Type Disk Cleanup in Windows Search and hit Enter,
  • Click on disk you want to clean and hit Ok,
  • Select all temporary files and click Ok button to clear them all.

Fix 3: Run an antivirus scan

As already said, the dcpatchscan.exe file might get infected with virus or some virus might camouflage itself as the original exe file. Run a full system scan using some reputable antivirus tool in this case. If the reason for the troubles within your system is because of malware infection, the software will provide you an automatic fix by detecting and deleting it from the system.

Fix 4: use System Restore

You can think of restoring the system to the last point where you didn’t encounter dcpatchscan.exe application error:

  • Type in Create a Restore Point on the search bar and hit Enter,
  • Click on System Restore,
  • Pick the Choose a different restore point option and click Next,
  • Tick the show more restore points checkbox,
  • Select the point you want to restore your PC at,
  • Finally, click Next and finish to complete the process.

Fix 5: Use PC Repair Tool

You can get automatic fixes for any system related issues caused due to system corruption using this tool. It can fix any common issues such as crashes, BSODs, errors, registry corruption. Here is its direct download link for you.


That’s all! We have provided all possible tips for you that help you in getting the fix for dcpatchscan.exe application error. Hopefully, these above methods really help you. Any appreciation, queries and suggestions are welcomed in the comment section below.