How to Fix Chrome checking for harmful software failed [Steps]

What is ‘An error occurred while chrome was searching for harmful software’ error Chrome?

In this article, we are going to discuss on How to fix Chrome checking for harmful software failed, An error occurred while chrome was searching for harmful software. You are provided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘Chrome checking for harmful software failed’:

When you run Chrome Cleanup tool to check for harmful software in your Windows computer, you may receive An error occurred while chrome was searching for harmful software error as scan results. This error indicates Chrome Cleanup Tool fails to complete scanning/checking process for some reasons. One possible reason behind the issue can be outdated Google Chrome browser. In such case, you can try to fix the issue by updating Google Chrome browser to latest available version, and check if it works for you.

This issue can be occurred due to corrupted/outdated cache of chrome browser, malware or viruses infections in computer, and other system issues. Several users reported about this error and explained the issue can be fixed by clearing browser cache, or uninstalling and then reinstall Google Chrome browser. It is possible to fix the issue with our instructions. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix Chrome checking for harmful software failed in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix An error occurred while chrome was searching for harmful software with ‘PC Repair Tool’

‘PC Repair Tool’ is easy & quick way to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs/applications, malware or viruses infections in computer, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks.

Method 2: Update Google Chrome

Updating Chrome browser to latest available version can resolve the issue.

Step 1: Open ‘Google Chrome’ browser and click ‘Three-Dots’ icon at top-right corner and select ‘Help > About Google Chrome’

Step 2: This will automatically download and install latest available Google Chrome update in computer. Once done, restart your browser and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Clear Chrome cache

You can clear browser cache in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Open Google Chrome and press ‘CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Clear Browsing Data’ tab/page

Step 2: Select ‘All Time’ from ‘Time Range’ dropdown, check all checkboxes relating to cache and cookies, and then hit ‘Clear Data’ and confirm clearing data. Once done, restart your browser and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 4: Uninstall and reinstall Google Chrome

You can also try to fix the issue by uninstalling and then reinstalling Google Chrome in computer.

Step 1: Open ‘Control Panel’ in Windows PC via Windows Search Box and go to ‘Uninstall a Program > Programs & Features’

Step 2: Find and select ‘Google Chrome’, and select ‘Uninstall’ to uninstall it, and after that, restart your computer.

Step 3: After restart, download and reinstall Google Chrome browser from official site, and once installed, launch Google Chrome and check if the issue is resolved.


I hope this post helped you on How to fix Chrome checking for harmful software failed, An error occurred while chrome was searching for harmful software with easy ways. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.